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Welcome to the discussion on learning and skills for life, work and sustainable development. The discussion ensures engagement and is open to all. To get involved in the discussion, sign up, create your log in and share your thoughts below ⬇

Discussion paper

The discussion paper brings together the latest on learning and skills for life, work and sustainable development

Key Issues/Strands

  • Foundational learning (from the lifelong learning perspective)
  • Skills for employment and entrepreneurship
  • Education for sustainable development incl. environmental education
Thematic Focus Area 2: Learning and skills for life, work and sustainable development

Comments (64)

Marie-Françoise Chavanne
Marie-Françoise Chavanne

M'étant toute ma vie engagée dans le Droit à l'éducation et en particulier dans l'éducation artistique et culturelle comme droit fondamental, engagée actuellement dans le droit à l'éducation des enfants hospitalisés ou privés de leur école du fait de très graves maladies, engagée également contre la privation d'instruction des enfants pour des raisons idéologiques ou sectaires, je mesure chaque jour les biais maintenus pour déprécier les compétences, les savoirs et leurs modes d'acquisition.
- Les valeurs humaines dans le domaine de l'Education devraient être abordées et travaillées en permanence auprès des jeunes (enfants ou adolescents) à la fois dans le but de se construire comme être pensant, acteur, responsable, engagé et solidaire des enjeux majeurs de nos sociétés mais également capable de penser la différence, l'altérité, le droit d'autrui, le vivre ensemble pour un enrichissement et des compréhensions mutuelles.
- Tout apprentissage mérite que soit accordée une confiance totale dans les formes d'acquisition de compétences, de la logique à l'intuition, offrant à l'erreur le temps de la compréhension, de la vérification, de la fantaisie, et la fierté d'avoir franchi l'obstacle.
- Concevoir la diversité des formes d'acquisition de compétences et de savoirs sans hiérarchie, sans préjugés pour mettre fin aux jugements sélectifs qui discréditent et handicapent de manière durable les jeunes les plus fragiles ou les plus singuliers. Accepter et valoriser une société plurielle qui s'enrichisse de ses différences et de ses complémentarités.
- Donner à la Pratique, à l'Expérience, aux Emotions, aux Sens (intuition comprise), à la Rêverie... une place qui redonne à l'humain la "considération" humaine, corollaire du respect mutuel et de l'intérêt pour autrui.
- Donner à l'oral toute sa place comme forme d'expression, de réflexion, de reformulation , de questionnement et d'apprentissage ("à l'école on ne parle pas, on répond" nous dit une jeune élève...)
- Enseigner, pour lutter contre les préjugés, les manipulations mentales, les endoctrinements et les idéologies dangereuses, l'importance de vérifier les informations reçues, de repérer les influences et les dangers de certains propos.
- Travailler en permanence la distinction légitime entre "savoir et croire" qui favorise le respect et évite la confusion dans les prises de position.
- Mettre en valeur la Culture comme héritage propre à chacun et/ou héritage commun, valorisant les identités, les singularités et riche pour tous.
L'échec de nombreux enfants et de jeunes "décrocheurs", les phobies de certains sont des indicateurs pathétiques du manque d'intérêt des institutions scolaires pour la diversité des modes d'apprentissage et des formes d'intelligence.
Redonner ainsi à chacun la dignité qu'il mérite et la fierté de se sentir capable d'apprendre, de comprendre et d'agir sur le monde de manière responsable et solidaire.

James Prideaux
James Prideaux

Hi all,

James here from the Skills Builder Partnership. I work as a Lead Associate at the Partnership, working with education institutions and organisations based outside the UK.

We are a UK-based not-for-profit social enterprise who bring together over 800 organisations towards a common mission, joined by shared language, principles and approach to building the eight essential skills for success.

They are: Listening, Presenting, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork. Our Universal Framework breaks these eight skills down into tangible, teachable, and measurable steps. You can see the full framework on our website:

We support schools to build the essential skills of every learner through the training of staff, a comprehensive curriculum, and links to employers. We partner with employers across all industries and sectors to engage effectively with children and young people through trips and workshops. We collaborate with organisations to drive collective impact through the Skills Builder Framework, supporting assessment and impact.

Our mission is that 'one day, everyone will build the essential skills to succeed.'

Would love to connect with other leaders and stakeholders in this space. My role is particularly focused on the global development of these eight skills, so please do reach out to me and connect!

Maribel Almeida C.
Maribel Almeida C.

Durante el últimos semestre del 2021. Aproximadamente 500 docentes de la subregión andina (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador y Bolivia) participaron de un proceso de consulta sobre necesidades y avances de la Educación y Formación Técnica Profesional (EFTP) en la subregión.

Aquí un resumen de los hallazgos.

Línea de acción: 1 Fortalecimiento y ampliación de la oferta y la demanda de
• Campañas de difusión sobre la importancia de los estudios técnicos.
• Desarrollar estudios de mercado para mejorar la oferta de demanda frente a
la oferta.
• Fortalecer la relación con la academia.
• Mapeo de actores en el nivel nacional y local, propiciar espacios de intercambio.
• Campañas de sensibilización a distintas audiencias sobre las oportunidades y alcances de la EFTP.

Línea de acción: 2. Fortalecimiento de sistemas inclusivos de EFTP, priorizando grupos minoritarios, personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social o con necesidades especiales.
• Mejorar la conectividad de docentes y estudiantes.
• Fortalecer espacios de formación de población vulnerable.
• Promover la creación de una red de estudiantes de Bachillerato Técnico/Escuelas Taller e Institutos de Educación Superior, que tengan acceso a formación, desarrollo de capacidades y formación para el emprendimiento.
• Implementar el pasaporte UNESCO para la acreditación en temas de formación profesional.

Línea de acción: 3. Promoción de sistemas de EFTP abiertos, flexibles, robustos y resilientes, concebidos como “ecosistemas de aprendizaje".
• Formulación y desarrollo de políticas públicas, planes de desarrollo, alianzas público-privadas y proyectos de desarrollo regional y local para procesos de formación técnica y tecnológica que den respuestas a necesidades del territorio y
que además tengan un componente de respeto cultural y den respuesta a las necesidades del territorio.

Línea de acción: 4. Mejora de la imagen social de la EFTP
• Creación de maestrías y doctorados técnicos.
• Fortalecer la educación continua en áreas técnicas.
• Desarrollar acreditaciones académicas que avalen una educación superior técnica.
• Identificar en la subregión si existen o no maestrías técnicas. Y fortalecer el
acceso a través del Convenio Andrés Bello.


@Maribel Almeida ... Muy interesante. ¿Qué provoca la falta de demanda en su contexto? Este es un problema en muchos países. ¿Ha visto algún ejemplo de comunidades que pudieron cambiar la tendencia?


Proposal for the Discussion Paper

Transforming the learning spaces and schools’ infrastructure to serve as a role model for a sustainable living.
Create learning places and equip them with resources, including digital equipment that meets sustainable requirements, providing an environment where the practical acquisition of skills is aligned with the educational content and learning process regarding sustainable development.

Example and Commitment

Considering the growing importance and usage of digital devices in education, it is necessary to develop sustainable solutions to provide and manage such equipment under a sustainable supply chain. It is with this aim that Millennium@EDU SUSTAINABLE EDUCATION, along with its partners, is promoting a Commitment involving civil society, as well as public and private sectors.
The aim of the Commitment is to contribute to make available Learning and Education Sustainable Computer Devices to Students and Teachers, complying with the four dimensions of sustainability - economic, environment, social (UN Resolution A/RES/ 70/1 of 2015) and educational -, promoting digital inclusion for all (United Nations Secretary-General “Our Common Agenda – Report of the Secretary-General” - Commitment 1. Digital inclusivity) and education for sustainable development.
The Commitment is based on the concept of Sustainable@EDU COMPUTER and arose from the need to develop Connected Computer Devices based on the requirements of the Education Sector and the Teaching-Learning Process, covering characteristics such as sustainable batteries and energy-saving components, as well as supporting itself on a Whole-Institution approach regarding energy management and charging, among other sustainable elements, and a Whole-System approach on the development of a sustainable supply chain, which includes local assembly and production of computer devices and electronic components, as well as reutilization and waste management that highly contribute to reducing the environmental transportation and environment footprint.
The Sustainable@EDU COMPUTER Commitment integrates a plan that focuses on Skills Development and Professional Training at the local level, enabling the emergence of a LOCAL TECHNOLOGICAL ECOSYSTEM able to provide educational computer devices and related services while fostering the development of a local digital infrastructure and a more sustainable supply chain associated with human development.

James Prideaux
James Prideaux

Hi Mario,

Thanks for sharing the proposal. Some useful insights from Skills Builder that might be of use:

1) Some research we did into teacher perspectives on opportunities and barriers when teaching essential skills:…

2) You can also see more of our research and insight papers on our insights page - including a recent UK wide survey of essential skills as well as papers looking at the impact on education and employment outcomes:

3) An overview of our six principles for building skills effectively in a classroom setting: We support schools and colleges both in the UK and globally to embed these principles of best practise around teaching our eight essential skills.

Happy to chat through any of these insights with you or share further information, if useful.

Many thanks

Moderator Thematic Action Track 2
Moderator Thematic Action Track 2

Hello All, welcome to the discussion forum for Action Track 2! We are looking forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas and stories to transform education. To kickstart the discussion, can you tell us what in your opinion are key aspects of transforming education to ensure all individuals have opportunities to learn and develop their skills for life, work and sustainable development?

Armando  Romero
Armando Romero

Los asoectos clave son: inversión para fortalecer la practica en los bachillerstos técnicos, los mismos que en el Ecuador tienen gran aceptación ya que promueven la insercion laboral de los estudiantes una vez culminado el bachillerato. Se debe dotar de talleres adecuados y equipados para que los estudiantes adquieran las competencias tecnicas necesarias. Otro aspecto es la actualización de los conocimientos de los docentes técnicos. La implementación de material didáctico. Contar con profesionales especializados en cada Area.


Armando Romero Suena realmente valioso. Además de financiamiento adicional, ¿qué se necesitaría para implementar todo eso? ¿Quién juega qué papel en hacer que eso suceda?

David Moreno
David Moreno

Bootcamps and self-taught training are the most inclusive option for people of all economic resources. They even offer ISA (Income Share Agreement) = Pay the cost of training when you start working and receive a fair and decent salary as a professional of what you have trained

"Free, [affordable] and accessible education will result only in more and more skilled people which will lead to better skilled populations and faster advancement for humanity." by Kamel Bendimerad

So that everyone can benefit from the #RightToEducation, it is necessary to feel the value, success, and usefulness of unofficial education such as Bootcamps or self-taught education in some professional sectors such as programming, graphic design,etc...

All companies and Public institutions should value education through Bootcamps or self-taught education the same or more than official training because a person can be prepared for work in a short time, it is affordable for everyone, they offer many payment facilities (depending on the bootcamp) and it is oriented towards to short-term employability, which is what training mainly seeks: employability.

Bootcamps offer facilities for those who have to study and work because they do not have to be studying for 2 to 4 years to be employable nor do they ask for previous education requirements to be able to study them like official training

The future of learning in some disciplines does not have to be 2-4 years and expensive.

Bootcamps and self-taught training is the most inclusive option for people of all economic resources due to the aforementioned benefits

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